Science/Enrichment, Ashford School, Ashford, CT

Science Night raises many questions!

K-5 Students joined the older students at Science Night on February 4th. In addition to the many student projects to view, there were many hands-on questions to explore:
Does sound travel through string? What is a vortex? How do we make GAK? What is your wingspan? Can you jump as far as a red kangaroo? How has a snapping turtle adapted to survive? How do astronauts survive in space? What vibrates to make the sound? At what angles do bubbles form? How do bubbles form on 3D surfaces? What roller coaster designs keep a marble on track? How do we identify different scents? How do pigments separate? What characteristics on a skull help to identify the animal? How does a helicopter fly?
Thank you to the many parents who manned the stations!